Divorce Mediation

How A Newport Beach Mediator Helps Couples Avoid Divorce

A few years ago, my friend Gloria packed her things and left home. While Gloria does enjoy her spontaneous trips, this wasn’t a trip she would be taking, per usual, with her spouse Mark. After many sleepless nights and long phone calls, Gloria and Mark could not figure a way out of their issues, which
Massage Therapy

Irvine Custom Massage Is Therapy For The Body 

As a working mom of daughters, I often think about the pressures women face in every aspect of their lives, day in and day out. From our professional lives to personal lives, we face a unique set of challenges that make some parts of girlhood and womanhood universally relatable to almost every girl and woman.  I

Me, Myself, and The Best Daily CBD

When I was younger I’d keep a diary of my shenanigans, daydreams, and ramblings. Lately, I have been reminiscing about the good old days. Yes, I love being a working mom. I love my job. I love my kids. But I also miss the days of being young, single, and sort of carefree—sort of, because I
Recipes and Cooking Lessons

Healthy Recipes For Busy Work At Home Moms

Anyone who has been reading this blog for any length of time knows that I'm always on the search for healthy recipes that can be made quickly and easily for a family on the go. My oldest has two different sports going on any one time, my youngest is just about to turn a corner